Amp Onsite automatically generates a task report when a signature is captured. Task reports can be generated manually from the web portal too. First, browse to the task you want to generate a task report for.

The blue button in the top right that features a page with a plus button is the button that is used to generate reports. Press the Generate Report button.

A dialog will appear that will list sections that should be included in the report. Check each that you would want to include from the following:

Photos - Include photos from the gallery, an extra dialog is displayed in the wizard that allows you to pick which pictures to include

Forms - Include forms that were completed for the task

Hours - A section that lists the hours worked by each employee during the task

Equipment - Show information for the equipment related to the task

Parts - Display a list of parts used completing the task

Resources - Display a list of resources used completing the task

Signature - Include the customer signature

Now, generate the report and it will be opened in a new browser tab.

There are two actions that can be preformed on the report page using the buttons in the top left. First, you can generate a link to the report, which you may share with others. Second, the save button will generate a pdf version of the report that you can download for storage or to email. Task reports that are saved will appear in documents for the task they are associated with. The page itself can be printed using your browser's print functionality.