Custom Reports is a tool found in Admin Tools that allows the creation of custom reporting on data stored in the Amp Onsite solution. Reports can be selected from the drop down at the top. To add a new custom report, press the + button, and the Add Report panel will be displayed, enter the name of the report, and press Submit. To delete a custom report, click the trash can button. The last button, which has a table icon. This will bring up the View Tables panel.
The View Tables panel provides a dropdown with all tables found in the Amp Onsite system. Tables are designed to conform to 3rd normal form with a few exceptions. Since queries on tables in 2nd and 3rd normal form can be overwhelming, there are views available for many main record types. These have 'table' appended to their name. For instance, scheduletable, gives a summarized overview of scheduled events in the system. Internally, the view pulls from several tables to create the view. These views are far easier to work with for spreadsheets.
Queries can be written using SQL, namely the postgreSQL syntax, which is similar to PL/SQL. Changes cannot be made with queries written for reports, but most syntax commands are available for writing SQL scripts.
There are currently 3 outputs for a custom report:
Table - Displays query results in a table.
Bar Graph - Displays query results as a bar graph. The two columns that need to be present are label and total for the bar graph to be displayed with the appropriate label and graph.
Pie Chart - Displays query results as a pie chart. The two columns that need to be present are label and total for the bar graph to be displayed with the appropriate label and chart.
When displaying results as a table, the above controls are displayed above results:
Copy - Copies all data in the table. This allows copy and pasting into a spreadsheet.
CSV - Downloads a CSV (comma separated value) file of all data in the table
Excel - Downloads an Excel document of all data in the table
PDF - Downloads a PDF report of the data in the table
Print - Formats the page for easier printing from the website
Search - A search field that filters all data columns by the text that is entered
Amp Onsite comes with several custom reports that are useful for admin users:
Changelog - Shows a change log of all tracked records and the changes specific users made
Recent Documents - Shows a log of all recent files and who uploaded them
Test Report - A test report that displays as a table, bar graph, or pie chart
Timeclock History - A history of recent timeclock events created from the mobile solution
Work Order Creation - A history of recent work orders that have been created and who created them