Amp Onsite allows you to import a variety of records into its system as CSV files. The Import tool is located in the Admin Tools section of the web portal. Click Browse to select the file you want to import. CSV files should include a header that labels what data is found in each column. Here is a sample of a Customer Contacts record that links a Contact to a Customer:

"customer", "firstname", "lastname", "organization"
"Amp Equipment", "John", "Doe", ""

Here are the columns that each record type expects:


name - Name of the customer

type - Customer Type

description - A text-based description of the customer and relavent details.

address - Street address for the customer location

city - City of the customer address

state - State of the customer address

postalcode - Postal code (zip code) of the customer address

country - Country code (US for United States)


firstname - The contact's first name

lastname - The contact's last name

organization - The organization the contact belongs too

title - The job title of the contact

email - The email address of the contact

officephone - The contact's office phone number

cellphone - The contact's cell phone number

fax - The fax number associated with the contact

Customer Contacts

customer - The name of the existing customer record to associate the contact with

firstname - The contact's first name

lastname - The contact's last name

organization - The contact's organization

Customer Tags

customer - The name of the existing customer record

tags - A comma separated list of predefined tags to assign the customer


name - Name of the part

description - A description of the part that makes it more easily identifiable.